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Lenovo ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint - Slovak

Kód výrobku
Body pre nákup
578 b

The ThinkPad Compact Keyboard is a legendary, award-winning, full size slim keyboard with island style keys design.
To provide a seamless user experience, this new Island style keyboard is mirroring the same design, functions and technical specifications of the The ThinkPad. The ThinkPad Compact keyboard incorporates scissor lift key mechanism to ensure great ergonomics and comfort. Larger keys as well as more space between keys help maximize preciseness for a higher quality all day typing experience

• Integrated TrackPoint -- No external mouse required
• ThinkPad and Windows 8 function keys
• Quick switch to function keys and back by Fn+Esc lock
• Volume control, brightness control and other features you can find on ThinkPad laptops and ThinkCentre desktops
• 150 cm (4.92 feet) USB cable
Distribučné depá
Depo Ploské 
Centrálny sklad SK165 
Ploské 158
044 44 Ploské

mobil: 0918 750 751
Depo Žilina
Areál MZ Pneu
Kamenná ulica
031 01 Žilina 

mobil: 0911 750 752
Depo Važec

Urbárska ul.
032 61, Važec

mobil: 0918 750 782